Friday, October 18, 2013

First day of Kindergarten!

 Well, the day finally arrived, the first day of Kindergarten.  My sweet Brody was excited all Summer until 4 nights before school began. He cried and said he didn't want to go to school but wanted to stay home with mommy forever. Very sweet but mommy needs a break!

To my surprise, I woke Brody up on the first day of school and he said, "What am i doing today mommy?" "Going to school..." "Oh, ok." And that was it, just like that. No tears. 

I had him pose with the white board stating the year of school he is in, the date, what he wants to be when he grows up, and had him write his name. I plan on doing this every year. I'm sure he will hate it when he is 13 or so but one day he might think it is sweet :)

So excited!


 First to school. We have to make a good impression on the first day! 

We were so excited that Brody had a friend in class, Caleb. These two have known 
each other since they were maybe 1. 


A pic with Daddy and Cohen. Of course Mommy forgot to take a picture with 
Brody because I am always behind the camera! 


Brody is in my old classroom. And yes, that is a slide in the classroom! 


Lining up to go in. 


Brody was all smiles. 


Brody did so good on his first day of school! He is about 6 weeks in now and is still loving it!

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